Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm Alive...

I it has been a really long time since I posted though. Will have to suffice with a quick update today though and more when finals are over in just over a more week of classes and then finals. Yikes. So while studying today I needed a study break and I hadn't run in 3 days. I NEVER take that long of a break. But Thursday I was at my parents and it was T-day and I was a bit hung over. Friday I was traveling back from my parents and wanted to clean when I got back to missed it then and yesterday I went to do my annual cookie baking with one of my friends and then went to the Gopher hockey game last just no time yesterday. Today I'm studying but had to take a few minutes (OK, an hour and 10 minutes) to get an 8 miler in. It was slow going, partly due to the light snow covering in some places. I really should've had my Yaktrax on, but didn't think about it so had a few miles that were's hard to climb hills in slippery conditions at a faster pace. I'm so glad I ran when I did though...coming down a slight hill, heard a few birds making some noise, looked up and besides the black birds I saw a beautiful bald eagle fly over. I had never seen one in my neighborhood before. Was way too cool.

Alright. Time to read some business law...before more stats studying. Ughh...


Anonymous said...

glad to see you are alive. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Good luck with finals.

RunToTheFinish said...

was wondering what happened to you!

Ok so yaktrax.. I've heard about them but are they actually ok to run in? Do they mess with your gait or anything?

teacherwoman said...

I was so wondering where you went! LOL! Good luck studying!