Thursday, April 15, 2010


So looking at my posting, I was over 100 posts in the first few years, even over 200, and then last year only 52 and this year so far only 1...and I didn't even post on my anniversary as I've done every other year.

I guess I could blame school and work, I mean class two nights a week and a job that has this stuff blocked (I used to type something up and post it at lunch), it just has become difficult...

A quick little catchup. I ran my first ever 7K race on the 20th of March, that was interesting, I told people I hoped to run 8 minute miles, and a few days prior to that had what I thought was a slow run but actually was 8 minutes so figured that should be easy...ended up doing a Garmin based 7:05 for the distance I ran and official 7:15 pace.

End of March I made my trip that had been postponed because I was an idiot and misplaced my passport so missed Mexico. However I went to San Juan, Puerto Rico and had a blast so maybe it was OK that I misplaced it.

OK, this is short, I know, but I do have things I need to do before crawling into bed in a little bit. But since I've been negligent I just wanted to post something.


MNFirefly said...

Nice pace! I hope to get that fast in the next couple years or so.

teacherwoman said...

Nice job on the 7K girl!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your great post. This blog is great

Unknown said...

Very cool post. I just recently started following your blog, but I look forward to contributing more in the future