Monday, October 09, 2006

Job Frustrations

Not a real good end of week last week and leading into the weekend as I had a big update typed up on Friday night and while on-line something got into my computer and it seems to be slowly frying things as it sees fit. I had an update ready, typed in Word, I opened word and it closed on me, then I opened it again, it stayed open, I opened my file and it crashed...and everything is really running slow now, particularly my program I use for converting CDs to MP3s for use on my MP3 player…I think I’m going to have to take it in to the Geek Squad to let them look at it as I have no clue what is doing it and how to get rid of it. I can’t run my anti-virus (not that it’s updated anyway) as it closes every time I try to open it. It sucks. I’m going to back up more documents that I don’t want to lose tomorrow (no time tonight cause of work at B&N) and then I’m taking it in…hopefully they can fix it!!

This was the end of my week though. I’m so extremely mad and frustrated about my job that Friday I was ready to cry. First they change my hours on me so I can be available longer, basically this has translated to bringing files up to the 12th floor on occasion after 4:00 (something that my co-worker, is perfectly capable of doing and she is here till at least 5/5:30 everyday considering she’s not usually in till at least 9:30) it’s never anything specifically paralegal related…and Thursday we had a fire alarm go off at 10 to 4 on my floor. I was tempted to leave then, but good thing I didn’t cause I got back to my desk at about 4:10 and Tami (my boss’ boss) called me to bring a file up to her which I did. She specifically asked me to bring up the one with the full signed agreement in it, which none of them had yet, so I pulled it out of our filing and brought that up. That was around 4:15, I think came back to my desk, with a bathroom stop along the way, wrapped up a few things and OK, left my desk to head home around 4:20-4:25…oh, no, a few minutes early!! Apparently the file I brought was the wrong one (no, it wasn’t cause I made sure to put the signed documents that weren’t in it, into it, but I didn’t pull out and put the actual document being looked for on top of the stack of signed ones, but it was in the stack, and it wasn’t a real large stack of documents). Apparently I was called again and when I didn’t answer she went and told James (my boss) that she tried me at 4:15 and I wasn’t there. Umm, I was going from 12 back to 6 and a bathroom stop, and I had BEEN IN HER OFFICE at 4:15. So Friday morning James came and talked to me and I told him that I had been in her office, that I had talked to her about the fire drill, that it takes time to get back to my desk and hey, she doesn’t leave a message, how am I supposed to know she called? (Didn’t mention the message part to him). So now I’m back in the office today and I’m still angry about it. I need to look for a new job because I’m sick of this crap. My boss’ boss apparently has it in for me, and I’m sick of this having to stay 30 minutes later than I have been for a year and a half all because one person wants me here to haul up files, even though there is someone else perfectly capable of that. My co-worker was recognized for the work she’s doing on something else and given a special gift card for it at our legal retreat and while I’m here every day at 7:30 sometimes a bit after 4 (before they changed my hours) and rarely even take a lunch, and I don’t work and force overtime while my co-worker (nothing against her, I like her) takes at least 2 half hour breaks for cigarettes and another half hour or more for a lunch break, which she says she works through lunch, but she reads the paper and other news sources and such while eating, that isn’t working…she doesn’t get here till 9:30 or 10 most days and sure, is here till 6 or 7 (but 9-5 with no lunch is 8 hours, 10-6, etc), sometimes she’s out earlier too…and she claims overtime when she puts it in or leaves early based on staying later…I am really now so under appreciated and I just can’t take it anymore. Of all the things I see and deal with, I was happy and OK with things when I was able to work and leave earlier and now that’s been taken from me and they couldn’t care less and apparently I suck at my job and do it half-assed anyway…so what’s the point? My job satisfaction has taken a nose dive from being about a 7 or 8 on a scale of 1-10 to 3-4 or even lower some days and my boss realizes this and actually doesn’t want me leaving because of it, wants my satisfaction to be up there, but his hands are tied because of his boss. He tried to tell me she was stressed last week, well, you know what, yes, I realize she’s working long hours, long days (and she’s one that comes in later too, she’s not a morning person) but that’s not my fault. I didn’t cause the stress and I don’t deserve it being taken out on me.


Ginger Breadman said...

wow, I'm so sorry. What miserable conditions you work under. Now, if you could just post a memo to all those at the office, with everything you were able to say here . . .

Some people will just never get it. At least you're able to see the big picture and know your qualities aren't being used or recognized. And you've found a great outlet for your frustrations. I hope you're able to look for a new place where your work will be better appreciated.

MNFirefly said...

OMG...your employer sounds like where I work..except it's in security. Go get a run to get the excess energy. I hope you used your 22 milers to get the energy out. Is there someone else that's higher that you can state your case with?

Kurt said...

DG, go run and breathe. Then get your resume out on the streets and start looking. Your a talented woman and deserve to be in a job that brings more satisfaction along with respect.

Danielle said...

Thanks guys...yeah, it really sucks because until this crap, I was for the most part really happy with the job...and honestly, I like the people, it's just these attitudes that are getting to me. Of course I have no confidence in finding anything either...and then it's the matter of find something else here or really just be looking elsewhere...or what do I want to be when I grow up??