Monday, October 16, 2006

Why am I stressing?

'Cause it’s taper time and what else do I have to do?? I’m really infuriated at job number 2 now…isn’t that sad? This is the job that is supposed to be stress free and it’s by choice, although technically I do kind of need the money, but I’m so fed up with one particular manager, but then I feel do I REALLY want to quit when I do like most of my fellow employees and I like some of the regular customers that I know I wouldn’t see anymore if I wasn’t working there, but I just can’t handle this one manager anymore. I used to like all the managers, well, had issues with one but her and I got around that and get along well now…This other guy though is one of those who should never be a manager. He’s a suck up to the customer kind of guy and couldn’t care less about employees, in fact one store he worked at he actually stated in the first meeting he was part of and had contact with the employees at was that “none of you are not expendable.” Nice huh? A guy that should be in management right? So he was doing the reviews this time around…now for one, I couldn’t care less about the review, I’m not even upset by the crap in it as this job doesn’t matter to me at all. It’s something that I know I’m good at the things I enjoy about it and that’s all I need worry about…but it was so crap and I really am ready to walk on it. Heck, I’ve never come as close to quitting as I have on most occasions when I work with him and get to hear his 20th reminder on things I know and already do and/or ignore and will never do because I think it’s stupid and just let me alone so I can do my job. Just last week another guy and I were both at one of the information desks, he had been putting books away and wandering the floor, I was at the desk, manager Dan comes by and asks us which one is wandering the floor, umm, Ed had been if you had been paying attention instead of coming along on the 2 minutes when we had had a rush and both of us were at the desk after helping customers…and if you don’t want two at the desk, then don’t schedule two of us at the desk!! As it is I always stay at the desk cause I see too many people who wander away for too long and then customers are left waiting or someone else has to help them…and we can’t do much away from it anyway since you need the computer to look things up….So when it came to my review he actually said that I am never at lower information when I’m supposed to be and cited one instance of a time I had been caught by a customer and was chatting with them for about 5 minutes while collecting things in the café, in that time someone had left the computer logged in and a customer had come up and started trying to use the computers that are employee use only, it wasn’t me that had left the computer logged on, yet it was in my review about my being away and someone using it on their own…then, he goes on to say how I’m often standing around doing nothing (no, I’m standing waiting for customers, so I’m available to them when they need me!) and that I chat too much with customers (that’s my job, helping customers!!), yet the positives are that I’m approachable and customers and co-workers like me…hmm…sounds like I’m doing my job, which is helping customers get what they want when they want it. And how can I be never at the information desk when I’m scheduled there yet standing around doing nothing. Then during the review he asked me what things I wanted to learn, where they could train me more etc…Umm…this is a part-time job to me, I don’t want more responsibilities and I don’t want to do anything more…I’m just going to be there, selling books, helping people find things, that’s it. I don’t want to handle putting new books out, arranging tables of books, etc…I took the job to help customers by recommending, finding and/or putting books away when needed…I don’t need this crap anymore and I can make more money doing other types of work I’m sure…probably better hours too. I want to go in tonight and give my two weeks and state that it’s because of the crap manager they have that I am quitting…

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