Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thundering Intervals

Literally. I noticed a little heat lightning as I started out this morning, but was determined I'd get my intervals in this morning so I could get a light run in this afternoon before finalizing my packing and getting to bed early for the 3:30 am wake up to get to the airport.

1 mile warmup and then 4 x 1 at 7:00 pace was the plan.
Mile 1 - 6:53
Mile 2 - 7:14
Mile 3 - 7:46
Mile 4 - 6:34

OK, again not good pacing but average was 6:53 and I got 8 miles in in 1:02:52 which pleases me. By interval 3 the rain was starting and by 4 I was in a full thunderstorm...but I don't mind. Just kind of weird when it's dark and you're exerting that much it makes it hard to focus. Really messes with the mind.

Orientation went well. I got my books. Scares me because they are put together by the professor. Not just a pre-done textbook...means the guy is smart! Hopefully he's a good instructor. We had a little meet and greet session where I was talking to a girl who happens to be training for her first marathon in January, so I gave her my email and told her to keep in contact since we aren't in class together first semester. Speech by the Dean was very good. He isn't dry, had good humor and good things to say. Dinner was good, salad, wasn't crazy about the dressing so picked at it, but dinner was chicken and veggies and rosemary red potatoes, I was at a table seated next to the Dean and he said his mother wasn't there so he didn't have to eat his veggies!! A man after my own heart!! Dessert was a chocolate mousse in an edible chocolate cup...yummy!! Then we had a breakout session where they talked about the program, a professor and our advisor (each of us was in a room with our assigned advisor, there are 170 incoming 1st years), and we discussed an article we had been given to read, to simulate what classes might be like. An enjoyable evening and a part of me is kicking myself for not taking two classes...I'm almost thinking I should sign up for one more. I'd really only have one week of heavy running while having class as it wouldn't be too terrible...I have a day or so to think about it...hmmm...


MNFirefly said...

I always loved the catered food at UST while working there...especially the desserts.

Molly said...

Have a great trip!
Take Care

Jean said...

Hope you are having a great vacation, Danielle.

And, good luck with your upcoming classes. I can't believe that September is almost here!

teacherwoman said...

I still can't get over your speedy miles! wow!

RunToTheFinish said...

Wow, I am floored by your speed! Have you always run that fast or has it been aprogression?