Monday, August 11, 2008


Almost in a way that is to the core...would it be awful if I went to bed at oh...7??? I didn't sleep well last night (might be because of the 10 hours the night before).

I was just reminded (due to watching diving right now for the Olympics). When I went to lay by the lake on Saturday that there was a car wash going on. They have them all summer. Fund raisers for high school teams...I'm assuming the swim team was doing it on Saturday...they were wearing board shorts (boys) all except one that was in a in a banana hammock Speedo. Standing by the side of a busy intersection. And he was so young...I mean we're talking 14 (OK, all high schoolers look so young to me...seriously, no idea about the women that are molesting the high school students because they look soooo incredibly young, why would anyone not that age be interested in that?? Even when I was that age I wasn't interested!!). There is just something so wrong about a 14, OK, maybe 16 year old boy standing by the side of the road in a Speedo...


teacherwoman said...

same as there being something wrong with a 15 year old girl standing out on a busy road, carrying a "car wash" sign, with the tiniest two piece on.

Jean said...

Ha ha! Too funny.

And along these lines, perhaps they should enact a law that only swimmers can wear Speedos? Nobody else has any business wearing them, do they? :)

Molly said...

I would guess that some poor 14-16 year old boy in a speedo lost a bet to a happy 14-16 year old boy in board shorts!
Take Care