Monday, February 05, 2007

5 Frozen Miles

OK, I tried to post this yesterday with the weather thing, but, unfortunately it didn't work for whatever reasons (my stupid internet connection I'm sure, I couldn't get the pic to work) but it was about -10 and windchill of about -20 when I left my house around 1:00 to go for a run. But I put on: a light pair of tights, a heavy pair of tights, windbreaker pants and my heavy winter running pants, wool socks, a light tech layer (long sleeved), a heavy, cold weather top, a cotton t-shirt, another hooded cold weather top and a windbreaker jacket, my balaclava, pulled up the hood and added a hat, magic mini gloves and my heavy duty mittens and I went out...actually wasn't that bad after I got away from the windiest part. I couldn't see much as most of my face was hidden, but that was OK. I didn't time it, just ran, I know it was slow. I got home and weighed myself, I had 7.2 pounds of clothes on wonder if felt slow!! I'm glad I managed it though.

Today the weather report stated we are now at 60 hours and counting of below zero temps. And today it isn't expected to get much above 0 if at will warm up a bit this week (getting into single digits tomorrow) but man, that's a long time of below zero!!

Saturday I did end up at the party. Met a friend for a beer one place and then we went to the party, was there till about 4:30 am...and I wasn't even drinking that much, was just having fun, had a few people I was talking with, one kind of seemed to want me to stay, we'll call him J3...(getting confused yet??) He never did ask for my number or anything though, and he lives a ways from here at this time, but I did e-mail the party host and tell him to pass on my number if he was asked for it, or if he felt it appropriate. We'll see if anything comes of it. Figured what was there to lose...After my run, a friend came over and we went to a nearby bar for a drink and to watch the game, well, I drank, and she encouraged me to have more since she was I had one last one, but thankfully had eaten enough that I wasn't anything but maybe slightly buzzed...I had had one beer purchased for me from a guy across the bar, he then did come over and we were all talking, his buddy came over as well and my friend was talking to him, although she didn't seem to have the luck I was, well, is it luck? I'm still not sure I want to date...Anyway, we'll call this one J4...OK, too many guys with the same first initial!! Anyway, J4 did suggest going for a happy hour or something, he seemed nice, smart, kind of cute...we'll see what happens. He told me I had a great personality and that I was very fun, I found that to be a very nice compliment...After the game I had been texting another friend and he came over to watch a movie when I got home...that's a long, complicated story in and of itself...sigh...Focus on running, that's all I can think about right now right??


JustRun said...

Oh I do know what you mean... sometimes running is the only thing we can count on!

Kurt said...

Your dating live with all these J's is difficult enough. Thank goodness you are running a lot and keeping focused on that. Now instead of having twin baby J's your going for a whole litter of baby J's!

How is work going? Stay warm.

MNFirefly said...

Wow! Well, I would go out for the Happy Hour with the guy you met on Super Bowl. Anyways, if any of them call, I say go with the flow.

Ginger Breadman said...

Okay -
#1 - I can't believe there are that many 'J's
#2 - I'm never moving to MN - how the heck do you survive when it's that cold for that long? I'm afraid I would hang out at the bar and continue to drink. I would discontinue running altogether.
#3 - I ought to rewrite the post I wrote today about temperatures to include a category called 'temperatures Danielle has to put up with'