Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hottie Day

A marathon is like life with its ups and downs, but once you've done it you feel that you can do anything. unknown

I think this quote so fits. If only everyone could really experience it!!

Well, it had to come one day…unfortunately my days of dashing off a quick blog post during work hours is gone…they have finally figured it out and banned it. So while I’m trying to keep a positive…this did dampen my day. I used to take a few minutes here and there to read peoples blogs when I had some downtime…I mean seriously…what do they expect, me to work all day??? Ah well…

This morning I wanted to sleep in…it was so tempting to reset my alarm, but knowing I’m meeting with my financial advisor this afternoon, and might meet a friend for a quick bite or something after a quick stop at the mall, I knew it might not happen if I slept in…so I got up, got to the gym, started my laps (was planning 7 cruise intervals, 3 of the intervals, 4 slow miles, but added one more mile of faster pace for a total of 8) when I noticed guess who on a bike…and all he did was bike today…so I had blissful joy of seeing him every lap for the first 5 miles…And then he was stretching, right by the track…ah…happy day (so worth not sleeping that extra hour)!! I don’t know my times for each interval, unfortunately…I didn’t have a working watch…I was going to use the one for my HRM which was in my bag, but apparently the battery is going dead cause I couldn’t get it to do anything but show me the time…ah well. I had an idea of the time overall and it was about 20 seconds per mile slower than Tuesday, which is fine. I’ve got 24 miles in for the week so far, 34 miles of biking too and 2 days of strength. I’ll have to get two more in yet this week, which shouldn’t be a problem since I’m doing shorter sessions…tomorrow and Saturday maybe…


Anonymous said...

I like the new blog layout - very springlike! :)

Ahhh. . . another day of viewing the hottie. You crack me up!

Sorry your blogging at work has been nixed. Dang it, they want you to work there, huh? ;)

Steve Stenzel said...

Good luck with the rest of your workouts!!

MNFirefly said...

Oh bummer! I know that my days might be numbered too.

Molly said...

I am sorry...I don;t think I could make it through the day without checking in with folks...I really think I work harder when I give my brain a break every now and then!

Here's to more Hottie!
Take Care

Kurt said...

YOu and Hottie need to get together soon. Give me his number I will set it up. I am great at getting others together