Thursday, May 15, 2008


Ah, this morning I really didn't want to get up...but you know, I needed my workout, and hey, hottie might be there right? (and tomorrow I might not get up for the gym because I'm taking tomorrow off work and I'm debating if I will go in at the normal time or not) So I get there and there are people standing around outside...gym opens at 5. I was even there earlier this morning that I have been before (5:10) and it wasn't open...someone had called other clubs and someone called back and said he was calling others, then he called again and said he had tried numerous places and no one was getting back to him. At 5:50 I gave up and came home and will be at work really early today. It sucks...I've been partly doing the morning or after work workout to conserve gas, but I think today I'll run to the gym during lunch and get my strength workout in at least. Sigh...


JustRun said...

Ugh, that happened to me once. Screwed up my whole day... instead of being energized from working out you're dog tired from being up too early.
Work out later and don't be afraid to rest on your day off. I mean first thing in the morning, of course!

Runner Leana said...

They weren't there by 5:50? That stinks! I am impressed that you made it there by 5:10 though!