Thursday, December 07, 2006

Weather Reports Puzzle Me...

I know they puzzle all of us, and man, what a job, where else can you usually be wrong and STILL have a job?? But it’s strange to me, when I hear the weather report on the radio in the morning and it says a high for today of 20, and the current temp is 23…shouldn’t that be a high of 23 then and it’s just going to get colder?? Today I was looking at the forecast before I set out for my lunchtime run (done at 11 today due to a meeting from 1-4) and it showed me, on Intellicast (this is my most trusted weather guide, a friend told me about it years ago and she had been turned to it by pilot friends of hers, I've found it to be the most accurate most of the time) that the weather was going to have a high of 17 and a low of 10, yet the temp currently was 2 with a wind chill of -3…hmm…puzzlement…anyway, I went and ran…and yes, it was quite cold. When I got back to my desk an hour later, the temp was showing 9…it warmed up 7 degrees while I was out there. Yay!! OK, it’s strange though because I am SOOOO not one for cold weather. I hate it. It hates me. I have bad circulation I swear and it takes forever for me to warm up. I headed out, but thankfully there wasn’t a heavy wind that was cutting through today. I had tights that are supposed to be good for below 0, I had pants over them, I had an inner layer top, a 3 season wicking top and a windbreaker jacket, my glittens and a gator and hat…the only thing visible was my eyes, breathing through the gator makes warm breath, it creates water on the eyelashes, it’s cold out, the water freezes…I had one droplet fall off, crawl down my cheek and end up in my mouth…interesting…nothing like providing your own ice water huh? Anyway, I finished up 7 miles, ~11 laps around the island by work (it’s the easiest place to run simply because it’s protected and close if I get too cold), I don’t take my Garmin out cause it takes time to get a signal and when I hit the outside I just want to start so I can warm up…the buildings are tall and block the signal a bit. Anyway, the 7 miles were finished in 1:00:57 or so, ~8:40 pace, so still not bad considering the cold and how much more I have to put on to dress. Wonder what would happen if it was warm and I could wear shorts and t-shirt. Now I get to go work tonight at B&N…oh joy…and tomorrow is going to be boring as both of my co-workers are gone. But tonight guess the dog is gone. My roommate e-mailed me that she’d have her bed out tonight so not to freak out when I get home. Strange, I really thought she’d be there till end of the month, but she said she had to work it when she had people to do it, I do think she just wanted feelings toward the dog, the strain from that and a few other things that are differences in personality and the way we are as people, neither good nor bad for either, just different.

Now, can someone having warm temps please, please, please send some of that to me?? I don’t think I can take this much longer. I need more cold weather stuff!! After Christmas…I put all running stuff on my Christmas list, including if not the specific items I want, then a gift card to National Running Center, my favorite spot for cold weather gear (I like that they have a rating system and you can see how each brand is for things).


Anonymous said...

This cold weather is TOTALLY insane. I am NOT ready for this either. I still have 3 weeks of long run to get through and do not want to run in anything colder than 30 degrees....PLEASE!

Awesome run!

Anonymous said...

cool, a new place to check weather and a new place to check for running gear! I hope you put smartwools on your christmas list! I thought of you while I shopped at B&N the other day, and how helpful the staff was to me. :)

Kurt said...

Okay another hole at the beach!