Friday, July 21, 2006

4 AM Run and 2 C- Runs

OK, so a friend told me that I should never grade my runs, but I still do…and I suppose it serves me right that I’m having the not so great runs considering I can’t remember ANY bad runs on the spring training cycle…darnit, should’ve run that marathon harder to get that BQ as I see challenges to it for the fall. I know, I know, I still have 13 weeks of training, plenty of time to get the speeds up and prepared for the distance, but I have actually not been feeling like running, well, I wouldn’t even quite put it that way, I feel like running, but I just want to plod along at a steady pace, however it feels good, I don’t want to “train” doing the faster workouts (heck even the long runs are fine, but getting set paces I haven’t been crazy about). This week so far:

MONDAY: workout was skipped because I was tired in the morning and worked that night
TUESDAY: I did my intervals, which were a bit slower in the first few than I wanted, but did feel good, I did an afternoon run to work the lactic acid out of my legs and just for enjoyment
WEDNESDAY: I did a morning run of 3.5 miles and strength trained finally this week
THURSDAY: I slept in so had to do the run in the afternoon, was a planned 8 mile tempo run, wanted the middle 6 at about 8:15 or faster pace, I ran them on trails in a park, I didn’t remember the trails being THAT hilly, but oh well…it was also a bit on the warmer side, but not as humid as it has been, wasn’t bad when I was in the woods, but it got hot when I was in the sun, there is also a trail called “challenge hill” that I ran into…I need to take my camera out with me next time, there is a reason it’s called challenge hill!! Anyway, my pace average was 9:22…way slower than what I had wanted, but I dealt with it. This was run at 4:30 yesterday, was done around 6 pm…Oh, also I was ready to bag the run cause I was so disgusted by my paces at mile 3 and things weren’t feeling good, but I decided I’d tough it out for 5 and hit a spot I could stop at a little over 6 so figured I could get that last bit in and finally by about 6.5 it wasn’t feeling so bad…
FRIDAY: Decided to get up at 4 again and do the run before work. I knew I could get 17 in if I chose to put my hair up and was out the door at 4, so I was out the door right on time and it seemed to start out OK, first mile was slow, but I had a couple of 9:09 or so pace which is what I’m shooting for for pace for my long runs…alas, that wasn’t meant to be this run. I did have a bathroom stop and water stops on each loop (first was 5.8 miles, second was 9 or so, but there was a place I got water in there and last was just under 3) so that took some of the time, but my average pace was 9:30 (that’s adjusting for the 2 minute potty stop, running right away has it’s disadvantages). Anyway, the legs felt so dead that it was hard to run some of it…OK, granted, yes I did 8 hilly miles last night, and I realize I didn’t eat a good carb load dinner last night, calories were a bit low yesterday actually, and I might not have slept enough this week…but still!!

Yes, I realize I have to be easier on myself, not every run will be great, I have to take the good with the bad, but I SOOOO want the runs of this spring back. Everything felt easy, suddenly I’m feeling slow as molasses and it isn’t the weather. It was actually cool this morning and only slightly humid, yesterday was a bit hot, but that’s not usually a bother to me. I’ve had some FANTASTIC runs during the hottest times of summer…


MNFirefly said...

Great job on the run this morning. Did you get your run this AM before the rain came through?

Kurt said...

DG, your training is fine. With the times and the increased heat along with the lack of sleep your getting, your doing well. Don't worry it will come together for you at the MCM.

mg said...

Nice job with the early run again. It's hard for a lot of us to have the same motivation in the heat of summer as in the nice spring weather - it'll pass and you'll get back to where you want to be. As you say, you still have a lot of time to go.